Submitted by “?”:
Submitted by “?”:
Submitted by “ok”:
There was once a boy that talked a lot. He went up to a clock and said “You can’t talk.” ” Yes he can” said the stove. “Then I challenge him to a talking contest at 2:00.”
It was finally 2:00 and the boy said “Ggfhgjghhhgjgvcgggjgg.” “Take that” he said. Then the clock kept on saying “Tock tock tock tock tock.” The boy walked away mad and turned on the radio and it started playing ‘What Does The Clock Say?’
Submitted by “ok”:
There was a UFO (ugly funky object) that landed in a boy’s backyard. The alien that was in the UFO found the boy and asked where was his leader. “In the White House” the boy replied. “Take me to him” said the alien. “Okay” said the boy. They went to the White House and met Barack Obama. “I thought this was your leader” said the alien holding up a picture of George Washington.
Submitted by “?”:
Once upon a time there was a handsome prince. His name was John. He looked desperately for a wife that he loved but everywhere he went he had no luck. All he could find was lady’s that loved him but sadly he didn’t love them. Sure there were a few nice ones but he still didn’t love them. Right when he was about to give up a beautiful lady walked in. It turned out that she was looking for a husband. So they got married and lived happily ever after.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Submitted by “ok”:
“Zombies are invading!!!!!!!” yelled the mom. “Daddy, do you have dark sunglasses?”😎 asked the son. “Why do you ask?” replied dad. “I want to act cool when I die,” said the boy. Then the zombies walked in the room with dark sunglasses. “Why are you wearing sunglasses?” asked dad to the zombies. “We want to look cool when we eat your brains,” replied the zombies.
Submitted by “ok”:
This was his chance. He pulled the trigger…
To Be Countinued…
Yeah you are never gonna figure out what happens, sorry.😞
Submitted by “?”:
There once was a dog named Bob and he was a spy. He didn’t tell anyone. Otherwise, everybody would tell everyone on the planet including their enemies. So he lived a life of a lie. It was very hard to keep the secret from everybody but he did. One day, he was on a hike with his human family. Then suddenly, he heard a scream. Then he went wild and his human let go of the leash. He was surprised when his dog flew. Then everybody knew the secret.😳😳😳
submitted by “ok”:
There once a pig named Patrick that was very messy. Every day he would take a mud bath. But one day all the mud killed all the plants in the garden. So then Patrick became a janitor. So all of the garbage in the world was picked up by Patrick. Until finally everyone trashed it again. The moral of the story is mud baths are dangerous.
submitted by “ok”:
There once was a monster that loved to scare kids. One night he snuck into Timmy’s room and hid in the closet. The door got locked and he couldn’t get out. He was afraid of the dark so he died of frightness.
submitted by “bc”:
Once upon a time there was a person named Mr. Dumb. Mr. Dumb works at the company Be Dumb and Move On. Well everybody was dumb so you would win $1,000,000 every time you did something DUMB. After a while the place closed and Mr. Dumb changed his name to Mr. Smart and he never was dumb again.