Submitted by “?”:
Once in a land called Oo there was a monster. It was scared of itself! One day he tried catching a liard (A.K.A.: Lizard). Then he fell in a pond and ran away.
Submitted by “?”:
Once in a land called Oo there was a monster. It was scared of itself! One day he tried catching a liard (A.K.A.: Lizard). Then he fell in a pond and ran away.
Submitted by “bc”:
Once upon a time the end.
Submitted by “ok”:
There once lived a bull at a farm. The only color of clothes the farmer and his wife had was red so everyday when they came out the bull attacked them. They painted their house red because it was the cheapest paint. Soon the whole place was covered in red and in 1.1 seconds it was all destroyed.
Submitted by “bc”:
Once upon a time there was a story. The end.
Submitted by “?”:
Once there was a notebook and he had a trusty pencil. He loved to write stories with his pencil and he drew pictures too. He wrote sentences like “I love pizza and chicken.” Then one day the notebook read a book and knew that his little sentences would never be good enough to write a book so he cried and cried. The book lived happily ever after and the notebook lived sadly ever after. But then the notebook got a great idea!
Bones are a historical part of the body but did it ever occur to you that bones could be a weapon. Think about it! Think of the big white bone hitting you on the head. Bones are the perfect weapons!
Submitted by “?”:
They say GOLD is the best most valued metal but think about the problems it causes people steal gold from each other and I don’t think it is worth all the the problems it causes. All greedy people want is GOLD, GOLD, AND more GOLD! GOLD causes problems so don’t get gold!
Submitted by “?”:
Once there was a cow and he wore socks. The socks gave him super powers and the cow fought crime but the bad guys said mean stuff about his socks like “Does super cow like his baby socks!”. One day super cow had enough. Instead of taking the bad guys to jail made a fire ball and plopped it down on them. After that the bad guys learned there lesson being mean to the cow and left him alone. Moral: Don’t say a mean thing to super cow or he will drop a fire ball on you!
Submitted by “ok”:
There was once a Leprechaun named Joe. He loved to play tricks on people. One day he got this kid stuck to a tree while trying to climb it. After a while he lost his four-leaf clover and had bad luck for the rest of his life.
Submitted by “ok”:
There was once a detective named Dummy. At cases he would take out this thing he called a magnifying glass but instead was a small mirror and when he looked at it he saw himself and would say “I’m the bad guy,”. To be exact he has gone to jail 580,000,652 times.
See what happens next,