Once there was a Super Bunny who lived a very comfortable life on a couple of spikes in a cemetery, eating slugs dressed in carrot suits. One day he heard a scream! Super Bunny to the rescue! Super Bunny knocked down some spikes and one of graves opened! Super Bunny jumped in to the grave to get his Super Carrot Suit. Then he flew to the city, knocking over everything. When he got there he made total chaos only to see someone screaming at a toothbrush.
Category: Animal stories
Comedy Scene
The Pillow Man
Once upon a time there lived a pillow man. Or you might say lived. What he really did was transform into a normal old pillow and a bunch of people would use him. Then in the middle of the night he would open up and sticky feathers would fly out of the opening. Then they all stuck to the person who was sleeping and turned into a chicken. After all that the pillow turned into the pillow man and took the chicken to his farm. And the chickens lived happily ever after.
BLEA AND BLUE 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Submitted Story)
Submitted by “km”:
…From flame then Blea and Blue set of on his quest. Then they met a big rhino !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What will Blea and Blue DO NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Milk and Cows (Submitted Story)
Submitted by “?”:
Cows are an interesting creature that create milk for us to drink and stuff but do you think that they enjoy there utters getting touched like if someone pulled it to hard. You’d want to yell “YOW!!” but since your a cow you can’t yell so you have to just let the pain go through you. I don’t think we should drink milk now do you?
The Bull (Submitted Story)
Submitted by “ok”:
There once lived a bull at a farm. The only color of clothes the farmer and his wife had was red so everyday when they came out the bull attacked them. They painted their house red because it was the cheapest paint. Soon the whole place was covered in red and in 1.1 seconds it was all destroyed.
The Super Cow (A Moral Story. Also a Submitted Story)
Submitted by “?”:
Once there was a cow and he wore socks. The socks gave him super powers and the cow fought crime but the bad guys said mean stuff about his socks like “Does super cow like his baby socks!”. One day super cow had enough. Instead of taking the bad guys to jail made a fire ball and plopped it down on them. After that the bad guys learned there lesson being mean to the cow and left him alone. Moral: Don’t say a mean thing to super cow or he will drop a fire ball on you!
The Dog 2 (Submitted Story)
Submitted by “?”:
Once upon a time there was a dog. The end. Was that awesome or what?
Poo (Submitted Story)
Submitted by “?”:
Once upon a time there was a dog named Poo. He loved to eat his poo.
The Snow Monster, A Moral Story (Submitted Story)
Submitted by “bcech”:
Someone started hiking a hill. There was a big snow monster on the hill. The hiker screamed an freaked out. Then the monster made a sheep noise. The hiker figured out that he was scared by a sheep. But it was too late he had already fallen off the cliff. Moral: Don’t let sheep scare you!