The Flying Pig

Once upon a time there was a flying pig. His name was Piggy. He was pink with white wings. One day Piggy went on a “walk” in the city to go to the park to play with his friends Fee fee the fox and meow the cat. So piggy went to the park to see Fee fee and Meow at the park. When he got there he played and played with Fee fee and Meow.

flying pig story illiustration

see rough draft

The Burping Boy

Once upon a time in a far  off land in the land of burps there was a boy named Bob. He lived in burpingville (a place in the land of burps) with his mom, dad, sister, dog, fish, cat, bird, snake, rat, mouse, and a monkey. The thing about Bob is he burped all the time (including in his sleep).

see rough draft

The Dumb boy

Once upon a time in a galaxy far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far away there was a really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really dumb boy.

see rough draft


The Chess Piece

Once upon a time a chess piece walked the Earth. He was as small as an ant but he had the biggest butt. One day the chess piece went to find a dinosaur. He looked for days till he found one, but when he found one it turned out to be a really big stone.

see rough draft

The Town in The Country

Once upon a time there was a town in the country. The towns population level was at two. Then m0re people came to the town in till the population was two hundred. Since it was a small town, all the houses exploded, so all the people had to rebuild all the houses. But then they exploded again, so all the people gave up.

see rough draft

The Bird Who Chirped

Once upon a time, there was a bird named Bill. He lived in New York City. He chirped so loud that 50 houses fell down. Then some of the people fell down. The chirp was so loud it could be heard on the other side of the world. Even his brother had to cover his ears to block out the sound.

see rough draft